Thursday, July 10, 2008

when the schedule gets off

the key to my turn (or the key that turned) in productivity has been abiding a consistent schedule. wake up (after at least 8, but no more than 9 hours), eat enormously large breakfast (i try to eat 80% of my calories by 2 pm), brush teeth, and try to get out the door. the bulk of the day has to be open and has to be spent in my library carrel. if i can get in 5-6 hours in there, i'll at least emerge with something (about 50 pages since the routine began in june). but if i don't get in there, it just doesn't happen. nope. no way. nothing.

take yesterday for example. i woke up too early (thus making me sleepy and foggy for the rest of the day), headed to the southern historical collection to do a bit of freelance research work (diversion #1 and not a great idea) and then messed around on my computer for several hours trying to figure out the best way to get this woman in Australia her digital images (below #1). all that work somehow turned into a lunch date, a doctor's appointment, a thank-you-gift sewing hour (see below #2), and then an evening of bicycle riding and yoga at the gym. in short, not a lick of my own work. and it's all because I got off my schedule first thing in the morning.

so i'm off to the carrel RIGHT THIS MINUTE...

(quilted coasters pattern from Last Minute Patchwork + Quilted Gifts)

1 comment:

Tara said...

Sounds like you've got your groove :)