A study at last! After a week of staring at stacks of books and feeling overwhelmed by the chaos, I rallied my strength and made some bookshelves last night and this morning (thanks for the encouragement aaron and maura!). Sadly, only decent fiction (both in literary and book quality) fit in these shelves, and so I still need to come up with something else for scholarship on the other wall. All essays, belle lettres, bibles, theology, and everything else had to go downstairs and mingle with elena’s books.
The upshot is that the excuses are over and it’s time to face the draft again. My advisor gave me many great suggestions last week (and the not-so-great reminder that as it stands I have a small, somewhat lame argument brewing). So it’s back to work in the new space now….
finally! what have you been doing for the past week?!
Have you considered a career in librarianship?
These Dewey numbers may come in handy:
814 Essays
810 American literature in English
220 Bible
646 Sewing, clothing, personal living
677 Textiles
813 Fiction
702 Miscellany
894 Ural-Altaic, Paleosiberian, Dravidian
999 Extraterrestrial worlds
777 Not assigned or no longer used
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